Revolution Slider Error: Slider with alias video-test not found.
Maybe you mean: 'slider-variation1' or 'slider-variation11' or 'video-slider' or 'video-slider1' or 'works-hero' or 'partners-hero'

To passers-by, The Glass Room looks like another slick, clean-lined store offering the latest shiny consumer products. Step inside, and you’ll discover something more unusual but nothing for sale.

The “products” on display have the power to illuminate our alternative selves, revealing the often contradictory and sometimes opaque dynamics of living in the Internet age. Who are we revealing when we’re online? What facts and fictions are recreated from our digital breadcrumbs? What is known about us, and why?

The Glass Room is a place to consider how you use technology and how those behind technology use you. We invite you to defamiliarize yourself with the overly-familiar.